Brainport Smart District

with UNStudio, as Lead Designer & GIS Specialist

Project Description

Brainport Smart District aims to be the smartest neighborhood in the world with early adoptation of strict guidelines & a sustainable framework, which calls for extreme inter-disciplinary participation. Transparency and open data require to be adopted by all inhabitants in order to create this social lab which is planned on a 150 ha land with 1500 homes.

Masterplan presents a dynamic mix of functions between housing, shared spaces and working. Landscape plays a vital role with production function and integration with built environment.

As innovation is the main driver of the district, it is obliged to influence all phases of this development. In order to better communicate with various stakeholders and decision makers, a GIS portal is created to demonstrate all information about the design guidelines and updates on new proposals from various developers.


Brainport Smart District and Helmond Municipality

Project Date | Location

In progress | Helmond, Netherlands